How to check if element is visible in javascript?

November 21, 2017 No comments QA JavaScript Hidden

If you are using jQuery framework, you will probably found the solution like this:

if ($(element).is(":visible")) {
    // do something

But, there is some problem with this function. Using :visible method on an image out of bounds, it would return true, even though it isn’t visible to the user.

Fortunately, there are people who know how to deal with such a problems. Jason Farrell created function in vanilla JS (don't need any framework to run it) that checks if element is truly visible to the user.

 * Author: Jason Farrell
 * Author URI:
 * Description: Checks if a DOM element is truly visible.
 * Package URL:
Element.prototype.isVisible = function() {

    'use strict';

     * Checks if a DOM element is visible. Takes into
     * consideration its parents and overflow.
     * @param (el)      the DOM element to check if is visible
     * These params are optional that are sent in recursively,
     * you typically won't use these:
     * @param (t)       Top corner position number
     * @param (r)       Right corner position number
     * @param (b)       Bottom corner position number
     * @param (l)       Left corner position number
     * @param (w)       Element width number
     * @param (h)       Element height number
    function _isVisible(el, t, r, b, l, w, h) {
        var p = el.parentNode,
                VISIBLE_PADDING = 2;

        if ( !_elementInDocument(el) ) {
            return false;

        //-- Return true for document node
        if ( 9 === p.nodeType ) {
            return true;

        //-- Return false if our element is invisible
        if (
             '0' === _getStyle(el, 'opacity') ||
             'none' === _getStyle(el, 'display') ||
             'hidden' === _getStyle(el, 'visibility')
        ) {
            return false;

        if (
            'undefined' === typeof(t) ||
            'undefined' === typeof(r) ||
            'undefined' === typeof(b) ||
            'undefined' === typeof(l) ||
            'undefined' === typeof(w) ||
            'undefined' === typeof(h)
        ) {
            t = el.offsetTop;
            l = el.offsetLeft;
            b = t + el.offsetHeight;
            r = l + el.offsetWidth;
            w = el.offsetWidth;
            h = el.offsetHeight;
        //-- If we have a parent, let's continue:
        if ( p ) {
            //-- Check if the parent can hide its children.
            if ( ('hidden' === _getStyle(p, 'overflow') || 'scroll' === _getStyle(p, 'overflow')) ) {
                //-- Only check if the offset is different for the parent
                if (
                    //-- If the target element is to the right of the parent elm
                    l + VISIBLE_PADDING > p.offsetWidth + p.scrollLeft ||
                    //-- If the target element is to the left of the parent elm
                    l + w - VISIBLE_PADDING < p.scrollLeft ||
                    //-- If the target element is under the parent elm
                    t + VISIBLE_PADDING > p.offsetHeight + p.scrollTop ||
                    //-- If the target element is above the parent elm
                    t + h - VISIBLE_PADDING < p.scrollTop
                ) {
                    //-- Our target element is out of bounds:
                    return false;
            //-- Add the offset parent's left/top coords to our element's offset:
            if ( el.offsetParent === p ) {
                l += p.offsetLeft;
                t += p.offsetTop;
            //-- Let's recursively check upwards:
            return _isVisible(p, t, r, b, l, w, h);
        return true;

    //-- Cross browser method to get style properties:
    function _getStyle(el, property) {
        if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
            return document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null)[property];
        if ( el.currentStyle ) {
            return el.currentStyle[property];

    function _elementInDocument(element) {
        while (element = element.parentNode) {
            if (element == document) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    return _isVisible(this);


You can use this method for free just: go to github page for more details about this function

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