1. Introduction
jquery-quiz is a simple jQuery quiz plugin. The plugin allows generating multiple-choice question programmatically in JavaScript code.
2. Plugin Overview
Library | jquery-quiz |
Author | jchamill |
Licence | MIT Licence |
Repository | GitHub |
Dependencies | jQuery 1.8.2 or Latest version |
3. How to install and use jquery-quiz jQuery plugin
Follow the below steps to install jquery-quiz jQuery plugin on your website.
1. Include jQuery and load jquery-quiz JavaScript and CSS files:
2. Create an HTML structure button that will start/restart the quiz:
3. Initialize the jquery-quiz plugin and add questionsand answers in questions
4. Conclusion
In this article, we presented jquery-quiz plugin for creating a quiz on the website. The plugin uses JavaScript code to handle generated questions and answers, is fully customizable and comes with many additional options. You can add as many questions and answers as you like. The jquery-quiz plugin should be useful for everyone who wants to increase their traffic by adding quiz functionality on your website.
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