1. Introduction
jquery-vertical-dot-navigation is a jQuery plugin for vertical navigation with dots. The plugin fits into the latest trend of building simple one page websites with vertical nativation.
2. Plugin Overview
Library | jquery-vertical-dot-navigation |
Author | MariWoj |
Licence | MIT Licence |
Repository | GitHub |
Dependencies | jQuery 1.3.1 or Latest version |
3. How to install and use jquery-vertical-dot-navigation jQuery plugin
Follow the below steps to install jquery-vertical-dot-navigation jQuery plugin on your website.
3.1. Load the jQuery and jquery-vertical-dot-navigation CSS and JavaScript file into HTML document:
3.3. Create sections and navigation panel:
4. Conclusion
In this article, we presented jquery-vertical-dot-navigation jQuery plugin that can be used to create a navigation panel to the website sections. The plugin is very simple and requires minimum configuration.
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