ma5-mobile-menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a mobile-friendly menu. The plugin has nice sliding forward and back animations and comes with many features like IE11 compatibility, HTML5, left or right side option, 9kB minified script size and many more.
3. How to install and use ma5-mobile-menu jQuery plugin
Follow the below steps to install ma5-mobile-menu jQuery plugin on your website.
3.1. Load the jQuery library and ma5-mobile-menu asset files:
3.2. Create a button element that will be used to toggle the menu:
3.3. Create HTML structure for menu:
3.4. Initialize the script in document.ready function:
After initialization, the button will handle opening and closing the menu.
4. Conclusion
In this article, we presented ma5-mobile-menu jQuery plugin that let you create mobile friendly menus. This plugin was designed with small devices in mind. It has a fully responsive design that looks and works great on mobile phones.
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