Lightweight jQuery lightbox plugin

January 04, 2020 No comments jQuery lightbox plugin

1. Introduction

Responsive-Lightbox is a lightweight jQuery library designated for creating a responsive gallery panels. The plugin automatically shrinks the image to the width & height of the browser. It was designed to showcase images only, without additional functionality to present other media files. This means the plugin is super small (3.39 KB min version) and does what it should perfectly.

Jquery responsive lightbox

2. Plugin Overview

Library Responsive-Lightbox
Author Duncan McDougall
Licence MIT Licence
Repository GitHub
Dependencies jQuery 1.9.1 or Latest version


3. How to install and use Responsive-Lightbox jQuery plugin

In order to install Responsive-Lightbox jQuery plugin, follow below steps.

1. Load jQuery and Responsive-Lightbox assets (CSS styles and JS files) into your website:

<script src=""></script>

<!--Lightbox Js-->
<script src="assets/js/jquery.lightbox.js"></script>

<!--Lightbox CSS-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/jquery.lightbox.css">
<ul class="gallery">
        <a href="/sample_a.jpg"><img src="/sample_a_thumb.jpg" alt="Grand Canal near Rialto Bridge" /></a>
        <a href="/sample_b.jpg"><img src="/sample_b_thumb.jpg" alt="Queen's Guard" /></a>
        <a href="/sample_c.jpg"><img src="/sample_c_thumb.jpg" alt="Atomium, Brussels" /></a>
        <a href="/sample_d.jpg"><img src="/sample_d_thumb.jpg" alt="Tower Bridge during the Olympics" /></a>

3. Initialize Responsive-Lightbox in jQuery document ready function:

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.gallery a').lightbox();

Responsive-Lightbox plugin after initialization will create a lightbox-like gallery with buttons to display next/previous image.

4. Conclusion

In this article, we showcased Responsive-Lightbox jQuery plugin created for image gallery. The plugin is perfect for web designers who want to present their work on portfolio websites. It can be useful also in e-commerce websites to showcase product photos.

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