How To Install Java Artifact com.lihaoyi.ammonite-runtime_2.12.0 vCOMMIT-1b2e268

com.lihaoyi ammonite-runtime_2.12.0 COMMIT-1b2e268


In this article, we'll learn how to install Java artifact ammonite-runtime_2.12.0 from com.lihaoyi group in version COMMIT-1b2e268. The artifact is available in 68 versions: COMMIT-ffdaa96 COMMIT-fabce69 COMMIT-f91419e COMMIT-f08ca71 COMMIT-f6a1903 COMMIT-e00c88b COMMIT-dfe5927 COMMIT-de2b9f2 COMMIT-d32e120 COMMIT-d8b32a3 COMMIT-d6fdf82 COMMIT-cc9941d COMMIT-cbf3b24 COMMIT-b640854 COMMIT-b114a80 COMMIT-b77b18b COMMIT-ac93d7c COMMIT-aaaaccd COMMIT-a0d5f97 COMMIT-7784517 COMMIT-4180332 COMMIT-3119490 COMMIT-0872868 COMMIT-722391e COMMIT-057440b COMMIT-49775a8 COMMIT-30982ec COMMIT-7837dbd COMMIT-6079a1b COMMIT-4052e0d COMMIT-4032eee COMMIT-2974b1e COMMIT-954ba33 COMMIT-729f6e0 COMMIT-690b09f COMMIT-335b657 COMMIT-153d7b4 COMMIT-82ef524 COMMIT-54cfca3 COMMIT-49d9e0c COMMIT-21c26dc COMMIT-20ff273 COMMIT-13aee83 COMMIT-010fa68 COMMIT-10ddba9 COMMIT-9cb3804 COMMIT-8bb102b COMMIT-7d7b824 COMMIT-6f0e5a9 COMMIT-5d0aa4f COMMIT-3efe1a1 COMMIT-3ebf9df COMMIT-3a2b4b5 COMMIT-2dc0ae6 COMMIT-01b67ac COMMIT-1f834a7 COMMIT-1b2e268 COMMIT-0ae4bc3 COMMIT-0a3e2b3 0.9.3 0.9.2 0.9.1 0.9.0 0.8.5 0.8.4 0.8.3 0.8.2 0.8.1 . The ammonite-runtime project has been released under MIT license license, and has its own website at: .

How To Install Java Artifact com.lihaoyi.ammonite-runtime_2.12.0 In Version COMMIT-1b2e268

To install the ammonite-runtime artifact in version COMMIT-1b2e268 add the following dependency to your pom.xml file for Maven Project.

The dependency needs to be added in the dependencies section which is located in the main project tag of the pom.xml file. The sample pom.xml file that uses ammonite-runtime dependency could look as follows:

Other dependency snippets for Gradle, SBT, Ivy, Grape, Leiningen, and Buildr

Below you can find code snippets for other project build tools like Gradle, SBT, Ivy, Grape, Leiningen, and Buildr.

Compile dependencies (6)

Provided dependencies (2)

Test dependencies (1)

